I really wish I had more time to write down my thoughts. But, here I am. So many things to get in this post. First off, I had a little bit of a hiccup in my workouts when I got sick in mid November, but I recovered faster then I expected and I believe it was because of my workouts. But, unfortunately between getting sick for a duration of about 2 weeks, and still having a lingering cough for another 2 weeks. I ended up taking a hiatus from working out. Not that I didn't try on 4 diffrent occasions to get back to it but needless to say I have allot of catching up to do. The school semester was a busy one, but I succeeded I ended up with a B for Business Law and an A for Small Business. It was a very successful semester, I'm so proud. In doing that I was able to resolve paying back my work what I owed for Tuition Reimbursement, so I will not need to deal that fiasco anymore.
I'm really pleased with how the year has turned out. I really have a great life and feel blessed for everything I have.
I've been in contact with our mortgage consultant and he said that it's coming closer for us to apply for a house. I am really hoping good things for us next year. I've been seeing all these great buys on houses, and some our even looking like such a wonderful place to live. I'm trying to be patience, but I think the ornament I bought this year for the tree really said's it all HOPE. I really hope it happens.
Other then that. I tried to apply for a couple of positions with my company, but the one that was the most sad is the QA position I applied for. I had the interview and from what I heard I impressed them but it was just no quite good enough. I kind of new that coming out of the interview, but I still felt like I had a shot at a second interview. Oh well! I did feel fortunate enough to have a job. I've started listening to the news allot more. I love NPR I get a lot of news quickly and I feel like I know a lot more then I did the day before.
I also have found myself into reading books. I feel that any reading is better than nothing. I would of went to bed much earlier last night but I was finishing my latest library book. Prosecuting Casey Anthony. I was so invested in the case and trial that I felt it was good for me to read the book. I have another one I have to read and I'm trying to get in as much reading as I can for this short window of time because classes start again on January 9Th. I have this semester coming up: Macroeconomics ( hoping to like it more) and Exceptional Customer Service which should only help with my jobs to come.
I also got into a new drama series that I absolutely love, it is Desperate Housewives!!! I highly recommend watching the series, I'm bummed their ending new year. But, I will always have the episodes dear to my heart and now I can watch it on Sunday nights!!
Besides that my whole attitude about Christmas is different this year. I'm very excited and looking forward to the future!!
Here's to a Healthy and Happy New Year for all my friends!!