As most of you know already I have a learning disabitlity. I mix up meanings, get test anxiety, I can read a book for school and for hours and hours and not have any memory of what I read. It's the most frustrasting thing. For 5 years now I've completed denied that I had any problem, and taken courses struggled and over come most. Unforunatly, I have not overcome some of them like Accounting, Pre-Algebra and Psychology.
A couple of weeks ago I took a Psychology test and almost failed. I decided since this is my 2nd time taking the course I should take some action and get help.
They call it a fancy word at the college, getting some accomondiations. I had an appointment this past Wednesday, after spending weeks trying to get my IEP results from the high school, it was nearly 10 years ago now. But, I did eventually get the results. Had the appointment set up with the director for the Learning disabities office.
I was worried because at first she called me that morning, saying she wasn't feeling well and see if we could reschedule for the next day. I told her very nicly that it was hard for me to get the time off from work and I really need to get it taken care of. And, so when I arrived I did thank her for not canceling on me. At first when she was going through my files. She said that I didn't have my scores and need to get those.( which I had them the whole time) But, once things went on their way, we went into the accomdiations I could benefit from. I advised that I needed a quiet place to take my test away from distractions. And, I also needed to have more time on my test. So I have an extra hour for tests.
I told her that I really didn't want my disabitly and wondered if their was a way to get rid of it. She said that there's no way to not have it anymore it carries you through your life. Its' something with my brain. NO mater how much I study or try, I'm not going to comprend everything. I can have tools to help me and I can be sucessful with some help, but what I realize after my discussion with her. I have a very long road. I have not only a hurdle of getting through Psychology this semester. But, I also have two accounting classes and I have the huge hurdle to overcome Math. I either need to place in college Alebgra by taking a test again. Or I need to take 4 classes total for math to graduate with my degree.
I'm getting a little nervous because here I thought I only had 9 classes to go. But, the stuff I must overcome is another. I've never felt more alone then I do now. I have to work even harder then I am for my degree. Which I can tell you isn't easy working full time and being married and having a baby. I know that I have to take one step at a time. It's just that I wonder if I will ever get to that final goal. And when I do I will be almost 30 and still have to continue college, where I will begin my bachelors.
This is what I do, I look at the whole picture, and I don't focus on the now. I have a ways to go before I have to worry about my bachelors I suppose.
I am glad to see that you are reaching out and getting some help for your schooling. You don't need be sad because you have a disablity. We all have weeknesses as you know mine is talking to other people and I struggled with it when I was in college because in all of my classes I took we had to do some form of talking to people. I know you can do it you are a strong person.