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Friday, April 23, 2010

Hayden's Big Appointment

Erik and I felt it was time to take Hayden to a Respiratory Specialist. It's Children's Respiratory and Critical Care Specialist in Minnetonka. Hayden had an x-ray done, a long office visit with the specialist and an upper GI scan. The x-ray showed that he had blockage in his lungs. His appointment with Dr. McNamara. It went great as well, we really like this doctor. He seemed very knowlegable of his field and he went over all our questions slowly and respectfully. He needed to be but back on a steroid. To kick this infection. He told since he's RSV he's not able to fight off all this congestion in his lungs, which starts his wheezing, it was uncontrolled asthma, but now he has a plan. It's the GREEN, YELLOW and RED zone. He has different types of medicines depending on what zone he's in. He's in the RED zone right now, which means he's on 5 different meds. The doctor wants us to come back in 6 weeks and see if his breathing has improved. He's got another nebulizer med. it's pulmicort it's a more long acting relief instead of albuterol which just helps for 6 hours or so and then he's right back to breathing hard. Where already hearing and noticing an improvement on his breathing. The only really big change is that he has to have the mask completely on him the whole time. It can't just be up to his face. He has to have it over his mouth and nose. Which Hayden really hates, he's cries really hard and it just breaks my heart, but I know that it's a good thing what we're doing.
After his treatment plan was laided out with the doctor. It was time to make sure that Hayden wasn't aspirating when he eats. So they did the GI scan. And we watched his fluid go down the pipes. Everything looked good, he had one little episode of aspirating but other then that great. It was so neat to see his stomach fill up. And, so that's a relief. When the appointment was all done, Erik, Hayden and I grabbed a quick bite, and then it was all time for us to take a nap from that long day. I'm so glad I just took the day off instead. It was such a long day, but I'm glad we have a plan now and it looks like Hayden can only get better from here!!

And today Hayden' is 6 months!! I still can't even believe it!!

1 comment:

  1. Thats great that he's got a dr looking after his breathing, now. You and Erik are doing a great job, and I'm sure now that he is getting some help his breathing will get better.
