My background

Friday, July 30, 2010

ENT doctor appointment!~

Last week on Tuesday, I was very tired of getting ear infections and continuous sore throats so I decided it was time to go to a specialist. I got off work at 3:30 and just needed to get into Eden Prairie. I waited for about 5 minutes and got into fill out paperwork etc. Got my hearing test done first. Those test are long and tedisis. Well, at least I know my hearing is good. My numbers were right were they should be. So the doctor asked me some questions. I told him what I was experiencing. And, he examined me, he looked at my ears, They were clear and looked good he stated. Then he checked out my throat, He decided to do a test, that would be a little tube that went through my nose and came through to back of my throat. He did numb my throat and my nose, which helped alot. The test was weird he said he could see some irration and maybe a chronic sore throat happening. He asked me if I ate alot of chocolate, fatty foods or peppermint. I said no, everything in moderation. He said a couple of things could be going on from his assessment of me. He said it was too soon to diagnosis and that I would need to just hear him out. Alright, so he said that I could experience some pressure in my ears that would be TMJ maybe. He wondered if I've been clinching my jaw at night or alot through the day. Also the problems with my throat, could be acid reflex, and that I could take some Priolsec and see if that my throat feels better. And, that it could be that my weight is an issue. So, I left the appointment going ok, humm. But, I took the Priolsec that night, and immediately I started to feel sick I didn't want to eat my huge plate of taco pile on.
I ended up not wanting to stay either. I told Erik I didn't feel well and went to bed. While in bed, I woke up looked at the clock it was about 10:30. I was starting to feel really hot and really sick. A feeling of extreme warmth and the feeling I was going to throw up. My instinct was right I threw up in my mouth and instead of getting the bedroom floor full of it I held in my mouth and went into the bathroom. I ended up throwing up 5 times more. It was horrible! My stomach was so tied in knots. I went out the living room and told Erik what was up and had a popsicle and went to bed again.
The next morning, I felt sick again. Only this time I was having other issues. My stomach felt awful. I tried to eat a plain english muffin with some butter on it. I couldn't even have a bite. Even though I hadn't ate anything since noon the prior day. So, I ended up being very tired all the through the day, and slept most of it. Got up finally around noon to have some soup. Which I was full and went back to sleep. The next day the same sorta of routine. By 2 or 3 in the afternoon I was feeling like my old self again.
I still don't know what happened but what I think it was is I ended up getting the flu on top of everything else.
It just hasn't been my year!


  1. Sorry to hear about that! Hopefully you start feeling better and soon! When do you find out more info from the ENT?

  2. :( this is just not your year. I hope you feel better and that the ENT is able to help you out so you won't be getting sick all the time anymore.
