Yesterday, I got off work and headed to the office with Hayden in toe. Poor guy he was so sleepy when we arrived. I let him rest for a little while we waited in the lobby. The appointment wasn't till 4 and I arrived about 20 minutes early.
We did get to the back of the room on time though. When I took him out of the stroller, his pants were all wet. And, for me to discover he had pooped. I not only had to juggle him on the lift while I tried to quickly get some napkins and wet them. I ran out of wipes and I didn't have a change of clothes for him so he hung out in his diaper. He was very active while I was trying to explain to the doctor on how things had been going. He said that he sounded congested. And that he needed to be back on the nebulizer and for now 3 times a day or more. Which is just more for us parents to remember. And, start a whole another routine again. I told him that Hayden is spitting up more, and that he increased his dosage for the acid reflex. He said he's a big guy and that he doesn't need to eat much. Which I've been trying to tell the daycare because he's been really content with a little bit of food. He weighs 29 pounds and he's about 30 inches. He told me that we need to get allergy testing done before his next visit, which is at the end of November.
I really wish that I had more time to get all these visits done, between my visits to obgyn, primary doctor, dentist, vision and now the specialist I've had to see ENT. I also have Hayden's visits to fit in. And, it will increase as he gets older. I really need a job that I can rely on to take the time off that's needed.) I say this because they won't give/approve the time off if we don't have the PTO. And, even if we have the PTO they won't approve for anything. And, I can't mention specific names, but all I can say is what she's doing is wrong and she should be thrown out on her ass.) I can't stand her.
The daycare is so frustrating sometimes, and Erik even wanted to pull him out of the center and go somewhere else. But, I don't think that's the solution to this per say. He's a baby, and babies in general have more needs. I just really hope that everything works out. I felt like a idiot in the doctors office though. Hayden is breathing heavy and I'm thinking he really is being taken care of. He just started to get heavy wheezing. And, I think he has a cold right now. Which I'm just praying that I don't get.
Ok, so enough about that. I had day 5 of my workouts. I'm getting up around 6 am and working out for 30 minutes in the morning. I go on Monday, Weds and Fridays. I have almost completed 2 weeks of this routine. I'm exhausted, mostly because my schedule is more hectic now since school started Monday. Not only that but my classes are more demanding. And, like Erik was saying we just have to get into the groove and that can take at least a week to get motivated. But, Erik and I have homework that's already due this week, so their making it even more tough the first week. It's not ok get into the swing of things, It's lets go and hang on it's going to be a stressful ride.
Also my Macroeconomics class, I had an issue with my book, so did everyone online but, I'm talking about me and how this issue has effected me. I tried to order my book along with my other one a couple of weeks ago. They said it wasn't available. Only to find out on Monday, August 23rd that their was a problem at the Normandale bookstore, and that we had to go down to the school, get the code, for e-text and come back to get the book. Ok, I spent Monday evening standing in line to get a code. Then they tell me the book will be in on Friday! Wonderful, The hours that I'm working there only open till. So, I need this book so I have to get up and head down to the school again! Now, I noticed which was dumb of me I got a used Applications book and theirs no disc so now I have to deal with that also. Or maybe I will I have to decide, But, school is such a headache. I don't know I expect it to be any different. Let's just hope the semester goes well and I have good professors. It's always harder if you have bitches or asses to deal with when trying to further your education.
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