I know it's been a long time since I've updated, but I was honest that I'm not very good about keeping up on my journal at home, so this isn't any different. I mean to update but never have the time. Right now I should be working on homework as usual but I figured that I have everything under control and should give an update.
About 5 weeks ago I was in a dark place, frustrasted by the fact that not only was not collecting tution reimbursement but that I owed Medica back for it. I had the meeting this past Friday, they came to the conclusion that I owe them 1,200 and that I can use the program, for the leftover amount towards the amount I owe, but by the new year, I will have $100 taken out of my paycheck till it's paid off. I feel that now I'm trapped into taking another semester and I won't be able to take a break from it all. I guess I can juggle it now, but with Erik going to full time in the Fall, I'm not exactly sure how that's suppose to work.
A couple of weeks ago Erik hurt his back, their was no reason for why it was hurting and started chiropratic and physical therapy visits. With our insurance going up this year, he pays $30 each time he goes, which is twice a day, it's been adding up fast thank god we have the FSA account. Erik was not working for two weeks, and in the beginning of him hurting his back, I had to be home with him for 2 days. Erik is only working part time right now, and it's looking like no signs that he will return full time for a while. He also has this dispute with his work on Short term disabitly and how he doesn't qualify, but that they said it wouldn't be a problem, so what does that mean for us? Well, luckily we have money set aside, but the only thing is that was for are Hawaii trip which is looking like a distant memory. I'm not that upset about it because I knew with my Tution thing and Erik's back that it wasn't in the cards for us. Funny thing is Erik doesn't think so he's insisting we can, however I think I'm starting to get through to him and he's going to talk to his Mom about it. It's really expensive and we just don't have the funds, I'm a little annoyed that my mother in law would suggest this when she knows we don't have the money, especially our finincal situation. It's becoming appraent to me, I only wish Erik could see it.
In other news, Theres alot of stuff that I was holding off on until we got our money, that have money been accosphished. Hayden got his shoes. (he has double wide feet right now) We are really working with him to walk, He's getting stronger and stronger each day.
I was able to finally go on my shopping spree and buy myself a bunch of new shirts for work and some dress pants. It feels good to have a wider selection in my wardrobe.
I am as we speak getting matience done to my car, I have 60 thousand miles on it and needed to get it done and an oil change. That's something I've been waiting to do for months.
Erik and I this past weekend got ourselves some new frames and lens, we both have new stylish pair of glasses and we got our eye exams done.
About 3 weeks ago we got ourself a new mastress finally, we were disperatly needed one, the first night we got it we slept for hours and hours, we couldn't wait to go to the bed, that's still the case but we have to get stuff done.
We also did our Cost-co run and brough stuff in bulk that we needed, and we came across Wii or Playstation 3 Active, I love it, I've done 19 workouts so far and I'm feeling great! I haven't lost any pounds, but I can tell my clothes are looser and I feel better about myself. I workout Tues, Thurs, Saturday and Sunday, it works best for the fact Erik's got at school on Monday and Wednesday, and out with his buddies on Friday's. I'm hoping to lose 20 pounds atleast and be under 200 lbs. I then hopfully can lose another 20 lbs by the end of the summer so that's my goal to lose 40 lbs total by the fall!
In other news my classes are going great, I am trying to work up to 2 hours a day on stuff and then I end up having more free time on the weekends to hang out with Hayden, and in the small window of time we have in the evenings.
Today is a very busy day I have my biametric screening at 10 am for work here, and I have Hayden's 15 month appointment today, i'm glad Erik will be able to be there, and my car will hopefully be done today as well. I'm very excited to finally have that stuff done.
I can tell you that, right now I have a mild sore throat that I'm fighting, I really done feel the best today, I'm hoping it passes soon, I really dont' want to be sick again. I've been really trying to keep my stress level down.
Wow...you have been busy! I'm sorry about the whole tuition reimbursement. That's no fun! Hope that Erik continues to be on the mend!