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Friday, August 27, 2010

My Anniversary with Hubby!!

I can't believe it's been 4 years. It was a hot, sunny and beautiful day on a Saturday, August 26th 2006. We were so happy and excited to take the next step and start a life together.
WE decided this year, it only made sense to take the day off together. We slept in late, Hayden didn't wake up until 8am which is great for him. He's usually up right at 7am on the dot. We woke up leisurely and got Hayden ready for daycare. Erik ended up taking care business by going to his doctors appointment. He came back and we took Hayden to daycare, then we headed back home and got ready to plan our day. We waited for the Comcast guy to come out and hook up our digital phone. We decided to go with a digital package. Which it actually saves us alot of money and we get free long distance, caller ID, and we have for our cable: HBO and Starz. It's pretty awesome.
We had to stop at Normandale and get my whole mess with my book solved. I feel stupid but we waited in line for 30 minutes to do an exchange on a used book to get a new one for my Computer Appls because I thought it should come with a disc. My last class had one. Well, it wasn't a complete waste of time because we headed off to see the manager for the store. We found out that my book could be shipped to me overnight. Because it's not in until September 1st. I couldn't get anytime off from work to get it so I had to work out something to get my book. Solved!
Then Erik and I headed out for lunch we eat at Chilli's. One of my favorite places. Erik had Chicken Crisper's and I had Baby Back Ribs. We chatted and goofed around it was really nice. We then headed off to buy our Playstation 3. We tried to get it at Cost-co they're all sold out, so we went to Best Buy. WE got 2 games as well. I ended up getting the Harry Potter Lego game. I can't wait to play it with Erik. We played a little bit after we got it home but, we wanted to get a nap in. We slept, then Erik picked Hayden up. Poor guy was so tired, he ended being a sleep pretty much from the minute I saw him. So, I gave him his bottle, read him a story, got him all changed for bed and kissed him goodnight.
Erik and I ended up having Jimmy Johns for dinner and sitting back watching Netflix. We watched it on our instant plays from our Playstation 3. It was so awesome. We loved it we watched a movie with Bruce Willis, Surrogates. It was pretty good! Creepy but good. Then we started to watch and old movie with Woody Allen: Husbands and Wives. Pretty good movie too. We light up our unity candle every year. This candle is split and we put it together it started to form together the two pieces its' really cool. We had a wonderful Anniversary. I'm so glad we took the time off.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hayden's Respiratory Specialists App. and my hectic schedule!

Yesterday, I got off work and headed to the office with Hayden in toe. Poor guy he was so sleepy when we arrived. I let him rest for a little while we waited in the lobby. The appointment wasn't till 4 and I arrived about 20 minutes early.

We did get to the back of the room on time though. When I took him out of the stroller, his pants were all wet. And, for me to discover he had pooped. I not only had to juggle him on the lift while I tried to quickly get some napkins and wet them. I ran out of wipes and I didn't have a change of clothes for him so he hung out in his diaper. He was very active while I was trying to explain to the doctor on how things had been going. He said that he sounded congested. And that he needed to be back on the nebulizer and for now 3 times a day or more. Which is just more for us parents to remember. And, start a whole another routine again. I told him that Hayden is spitting up more, and that he increased his dosage for the acid reflex. He said he's a big guy and that he doesn't need to eat much. Which I've been trying to tell the daycare because he's been really content with a little bit of food. He weighs 29 pounds and he's about 30 inches. He told me that we need to get allergy testing done before his next visit, which is at the end of November.
I really wish that I had more time to get all these visits done, between my visits to obgyn, primary doctor, dentist, vision and now the specialist I've had to see ENT. I also have Hayden's visits to fit in. And, it will increase as he gets older. I really need a job that I can rely on to take the time off that's needed.) I say this because they won't give/approve the time off if we don't have the PTO. And, even if we have the PTO they won't approve for anything. And, I can't mention specific names, but all I can say is what she's doing is wrong and she should be thrown out on her ass.) I can't stand her.

The daycare is so frustrating sometimes, and Erik even wanted to pull him out of the center and go somewhere else. But, I don't think that's the solution to this per say. He's a baby, and babies in general have more needs. I just really hope that everything works out. I felt like a idiot in the doctors office though. Hayden is breathing heavy and I'm thinking he really is being taken care of. He just started to get heavy wheezing. And, I think he has a cold right now. Which I'm just praying that I don't get.

Ok, so enough about that. I had day 5 of my workouts. I'm getting up around 6 am and working out for 30 minutes in the morning. I go on Monday, Weds and Fridays. I have almost completed 2 weeks of this routine. I'm exhausted, mostly because my schedule is more hectic now since school started Monday. Not only that but my classes are more demanding. And, like Erik was saying we just have to get into the groove and that can take at least a week to get motivated. But, Erik and I have homework that's already due this week, so their making it even more tough the first week. It's not ok get into the swing of things, It's lets go and hang on it's going to be a stressful ride.

Also my Macroeconomics class, I had an issue with my book, so did everyone online but, I'm talking about me and how this issue has effected me. I tried to order my book along with my other one a couple of weeks ago. They said it wasn't available. Only to find out on Monday, August 23rd that their was a problem at the Normandale bookstore, and that we had to go down to the school, get the code, for e-text and come back to get the book. Ok, I spent Monday evening standing in line to get a code. Then they tell me the book will be in on Friday! Wonderful, The hours that I'm working there only open till. So, I need this book so I have to get up and head down to the school again! Now, I noticed which was dumb of me I got a used Applications book and theirs no disc so now I have to deal with that also. Or maybe I will I have to decide, But, school is such a headache. I don't know I expect it to be any different. Let's just hope the semester goes well and I have good professors. It's always harder if you have bitches or asses to deal with when trying to further your education.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hoping for Postive Changes

So, while I was over on the weekend at my parents we had a long discussion. I told them about my start of depression and that it's only going to get worse when I go back to school. My Dad is so smart and he really hears me out. He suggested to me how are you going to work out in the fall? He suggested I get up early and workout before work. It's something that I really have to change. My weight is bringing me down, and it will be vital to having engery overall. So, my goal has started this week. I work out Mon, Weds and Fridays in the morning before work. And while the weather is still nice, My Mom and I will be walking then on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Now, it's only been 3 days and so far I kept at it. I will try my best to have it stick this time. I want to be in shape and lose this extra weight. I can't believe I thought I was fat before. I really want to have a postive attitude and really commit to this regardless of all the other responsibilites I have.
Also, I am tired of doing most of the house work by myself. I want to share the housework 50/50 with Erik. So I told him on Saturday evening my purposed idea. I even made a spreadsheet of the duties, now we just have to follow it and hopefully things will go smoother. Erik seemed on board with the idea.
Erik also has shown he's trying to be more respectful, by putting his dirty clothes in the laundry basket rather than all over the floor. I guess only time will tell. Erik finally cleaned his shelf. But, I really want for him to ask his Dad if we can store stuff at his place. We just don't have alot of room for everything. I want Hayden to have more room to play so I suggested to Erik we need to store the coffee table. It won't be for that long, he's still on the fence about it.
I also got my haircut a couple of days ago, and I am really wanting to dye it a lighter golden blonde color. It's so dull and it needs to be brighten up a bit. I guess we shall see on that. I also am planning a trip with Erik, The suggestions we've been playing with are Barbados, Bahamas, Jamaica or Italy. It's still cheaper to go to one of these places then Hawaii. So we've decided to just take a trip ourselves. Plus, planning this trip is so much fun!
In the meantime I really have to think about what I want to do about my future, I've been trying to figure out what my next move will be. Am I really going to be happy with a management degree. Or Marketing?? Or what exactly do I want to do? I guess. I will just focus on doing well this semester and hopefully it all comes to me soon. In the mean time. I feel with some of these changes I can grin and bare my job. I dont' hate it all the time. I guess if things start getting better at home then things will get better at work.

Hayden's Dermatologist Appointment!

Finally, I was able to get Hayden in. I went to Dermatology PA in Edina, off France Ave. I arrived 20 minutes early. Since Hayden was a new patient I knew I would have paperwork etc. So, the front desk gal wanted our my insurance card, wanted me to feel some paperwork out. When it was all done, I said that Hayden had reached his out of pocket so I would not have a co-pay for him. The lady gave me some stupid reason well, if their a co-pay on the card we have to collect it. I already had quite a day and I said" Nope, I'm not paying a co-pay you can call my insurance company, but I'm not waiting for my co-pay back for 6 weeks. It's only $15 but to me it was the principal of it. I was already annoyed by the day. And, I came in with my head on straight because it was concerning my son and a blister he's had for 6 months. And to get him treated for his skin problems. Which looked like eczema to me. OK, so the doctor took a look at his blister and got a scab of it. WE will have the results on Friday! He said that he needs to see those results and if he needs to do a biopsy then after that it may have to be surgically removed. It just depends on what these results are. HE did diagnose him with eczema just like me. It's a mild case. He prescribed two creams one for the blister and one for all over in the spots his skin is breaking out. I'm so happy that he finally has some other creams. He should be using this for 4 weeks, and if not any better then he would want to be seen again. And, I'm making the appointment just in case it doesn't clear up. I want to be prepared. I really hope his blister can go away soon. I know the doctor was a little perplexed on why it hasn't gotten better after 6 months. Hopefully I will have answers soon!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wanting to make a Change!

Ok, so as most know. I'm so sick of my job I could scream. I don't mind the work, it's just that there's all these unnessary stresses of the job. I also don't want to be tied to my phones all day. I wish I had more freedom to get up and move around. And, why shouldn't I feel that way. After all I've been working at Medica almost 4 years. And prior to that I worked at Best Buy for 3 years. So, I've been thinking about taking coding classes online and getting a certificate so I can work in coding with Medica, and if that doesn't work move on to another company.
The only problem is with the coding is it's about a year, and the cost is 2,748.00, No of that is covered with Medica. Because it's not a degree it's a certificate. Plus, I would have to take a whole year off from college for my degree. I can't do both. It would be like full time school with 2 different degrees/certificate I'm going for plus full time work and time with Hayden, Erik and time for myself. Oh and some how manage to juggle friends and family as well. I also will be picking up most of the slack with chorus/house duties and cooking since Erik will be at school 4 days a week.
In one way I"m excited to get back to school. It means another step closer to my degree, and a lottery of money in a way. But, at the sametime it means less time for other things that I enjoy. I wonder what my next move will be? And will I be able to handle this very demanding semester?
Only time will tell. My Anniversary with work is on Dec 11th. And, I know I'm wanting to say to my boss, I'm getting bored and unhappy with my job. But, I know that there's nothing she can really do for me about it.